Chase Offers/BofA: Get Up To 10% Back at Kroger Brands,, Kroger Fuel ($9 Cashback Max)
Update 11/12/24: Various versions of this offer are back on Chase and other banks.
Update 8/20/24: Another round of offers from Chase/BofA/Wells and other banks came out for Kroger, valid through 9/17. There are varying offers for Kroger stores and their brands, for, and for Kroger fuel. There are also a couple of different AmEx Offers for Kroger store and Kroger online orders. (ht reader Steve)
Update 7/12/24: Offer back through 8/6/24
Update 6/14/24: More banks offering this targeted offer now
Update 6/3/24: Deal is back for 10% back through July 4th. Again, there are offers both for Kroger store purchases and for fuel purchases. Some people might see a lower 5% offer with lower limits. (ht reader Fred)
The Offer
No direct link, check your Chase Offers to see if you were targeted
- Get 10% back at Kroger, up to $7 cashback.
- Others are seeing different amounts, e.g. 5% back up to $3
Our Verdict
Should be easy money for anyone targeted.
Post History:
- Update 3/22/24: Deal is back through either April 20th or May 5th. Again, there are offers both for Kroger store purchases and for fuel purchases. Some people might see a lower 5% offer with lower limits. (ht reader Fred)
- Update 12/21/23: Deal is back through 2/2/24. There’s also a similar-but-separate offer for Kroger brand gas stations. (ht reader steve)
- Update 10/16/23: Deal is back through 11/4 (ht joremero)
- Update 8/20/23: Deal is back through 9/27 (ht ibapun)
- Update 5/28/23: Deal is back for either 5% or 10% back on Kroger store purchases up to $4.50/$9 max, valid through 6/26/23. There are similar offers for other Kroger brands such as Fred Meyer. There’s also a separate offer for 5% back at Kroger Fuel as well. (ht Fred)
- Update 4/22/23: Deal is back for 10% back on Kroger store purchases up to $9 max, valid through ?? (ht joremero) This is also showing as stackable with the Double Cashback deal from BofA on April 25-27 (that offer must be saved separately).
- Update 3/10/23: Deal is back for 5% back on Kroger store purchases up to $4.50 max, valid through ?? (ht discreettulip89)
- Update 3/10/23: Deal is back for 5% back on Kroger store purchases up to $4.50 max, valid through ?? (ht discreettulip89)
- Update 12/9/22: Deal is back, 5% this time until 1/17/2023.
- Update 10/20/22: Offer is back, this time it’s either 10%/$14 or 5%/$5. (ht discreettulip89)
- Update 6/12/22: Deal is back for 5%, up to $5 back. Hat tip to discreettulip89
- Update 12/24/21: Deal is back for 5% this time. This one seems to work for regular store Kroger purchases as well. Max $4.50 cashback. Found on Freedom cards and possibly others. Expires 1/8/21. Use it after January 1st on Freedom to stack with the 5x category. Hat tip to discreettulip89
- Update 9/22/21: Deal is valid until 10/27 and most notably only for pickup or delivery orders only