Tuesday, February 18, 2025

June 2024 Savings, plus other updates

June was a mix of work, social activities and work social activities. Oh and watching lots of football on tv (and not always enjoying it, in the case of England!)

I also celebrated my birthday this month – another year older, maybe or maybe not another year wiser!

I still don’t feel my age, although the occasional thing does make me consider how ancient old I’ve somehow become:

  • Attending a colleague’s (the bride’s) wedding and finding out that I’m older than her mother by a number of years;
  • Watching the youngsters knocking back their free drinks at work’s summer party, whilst I nursed my second pint and sloped off early, my thoughts on how I needed to function the following work day without a hangover/late night;
  • Overhearing a colleague sitting behind me ask her neighbour, “What’s a fax machine?” I felt compelled to explain to her and felt so old as I quipped “It’s how we sent documents before the internet…”.
  • Finally being able to draw down on my SIPP – I won’t yet, of course!

For my birthday, I had a day out at the races (Haydock) with friends, which was followed by a Pete Tong Presents Ibiza Classics gig. Not sure that was a mix which really worked that well, but it was a fun day/night out nonetheless.

I had some family stay with me this month, and we had a day trip to North Wales. Weather was beautiful for a bit of walking.

Cup and Saucer Waterfall, in Erddig, North Wales.

Anyway, halfway through the year already, how did my numbers look for June?

I saved 15.8% of my net salary. The above includes £40.63 from doing Prolific surveys, £5 charity lotto win and the £100 which Nationwide Building Society paid out to all its members.

Shares and Investment Trusts

I just topped up existing ones, no new investments, aside from an addition to my One Share Portfolio where I bought 1 share (using the above-mentioned Nationwide payout) in Novo Nordisk – I can’t ever see me needing to take a fat-busting drug but seems a lot of people do so for a variety of reasons, so now I got a bit of skin in that game!

This month, I also ditched my single share in Starbucks and jumped back on the Nvidia bandwagon. I had intended to only have 10 shares in this fun portfolio, yet now I have 11 – might just have to make it a sweet dirty dozen at some point…thinking about it!

Current share/IT portfolio can be found here.

(Entire portfolio here)

Future Fund 

The rocket continues its upwards journey! At the end of the month, my Future Fund was up, at £272,964.64.

Dividends and Other Income

A record-breaking month (for me) for dividend income:


I received £1,150.97, of which £515.84 was from my ISAs, the rest from my SIPPs. First time I’ve breached the £1k monthly mark! All dividends were reinvested.

Here’s what my ISA dividend income graph looks like:

Six months in and things are on track with my dividend income goal.

Goals Update

What about the other goals?

Live sport on tv is impacting my reading goal but that’s ok. The summer of sport will be over at some point…after the Olympics! I love it all!

Hope you all had a good June!

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