Tuesday, February 18, 2025

May 2024 Savings, plus other updates

I saved 19.2% of my net salary. The above includes £38.75 from doing Prolific surveys and a £100 premium bonds win.

No new investments, I just topped up existing ones.

Current share/IT portfolio can be found here.

(Entire portfolio here)

Future Fund 

Buoyant markets saw the rocket make its return! At the end of the month, my Future Fund was sitting at £268,131.35.

I received £670.12, of which £441.48 was from my ISAs, the rest from my SIPPs. All dividends were reinvested.

Here’s what my ISA dividend income graph looks like:


Five months in and the income received is already matching the total income I received  for the whole of 2020 – it’s motivating to see this kind of progress.

Goals Update

How go my goals?

Did a bit better on the reading front this month.

Finished a book from my bookshelf and I also crossed off a ‘classic’ from my list, which was ‘The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas’. Have always loved the dashing and heroic adventures of the musketeers as depicted on TV and film – in fact, one reason why it took me so long to finish this book (other than it being over 1,000 pages long) was because part-way through, I decided I wanted to watch the BBC adaptation, which took up some of my reading time.

I’m looking for a man in Finance...*

…actually, I’m not – just someone who can tell me how good/bad things will likely be for me, for the country, once the General Election is over with in July.

I watched the multi-party election debate and although I found myself nodding and shaking my head at various different speakers (including agreeing with and then not agreeing with the same person!), I was really none the wiser by the end of it all.  Let’s hope I am more informed by voting day, although I have a feeling that we could be doomed no matter who gets in!

That’s all for now, hope you all had a great May!

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